Why WordPress Management is So Important to Your Business

Woman on laptop holding coffee cup sitting on couch working on website

Professional WordPress management is essential if you want your website to run correctly in the long term and without any possible problems. With the right system in place and following the right tasks, you can find some great ways to optimize the system and ensure your website runs as expected. But what kind of tasks should you focus on for the smooth operation of your WordPress website? Here are some you can keep in mind!


Create a Website Backup From Time To Time

Whenever you think about WordPress management, installing a WordPress backup plugin can be a perfect idea. BackupBuddy is an excellent example. While there, you also want to ensure the automatic WordPress backups are activated and still working regularly. You should set up redundant backups and ensure they are delivered to an off-site storage solution to secure backup. To be safe, you want to delete the old backup files and even install ImportBuddy and keep it updated for quick backup transfers if needed.


Implementing the Right Security Solutions

One of the essential things in working with WordPress is to keep it updated to the latest version. Besides, it’s a good idea to try and use any WordPress security plugin. iThemes Security is a perfect example to keep in mind. While there, it’s crucial to run the WordPress Security Check feature at least once a week.

We also recommend you study and optimize the file permissions provided by WordPress and remove the default Admin user, as it’s not going to help you in any way if you keep it there. Disabling the file editor will also increase your safety. While there, you also want to enable the WordPress and network brute force protections since they protect you against targeted attacks. Also, you want to use two-factor authentication for the WordPress login. Not only is it more professional and secure, but it reduces the chances of any hacker changing the login information.

Using the Away mode will limit access to the Login area. It can be great if you don’t want anyone aside from people with direct access to enter your website and make changes. You also want to add 404 detections since this can help you prevent phishing and various other attempts. We also believe that using the Banned Users IP setting can help. This will not allow banned users to enter your website since it will track their IP and stop them as fast as possible.


Plugin and Theme Tasks

One of the core tasks of WordPress management is to manage the plugins and themes. Keeping these up to date will help eliminate many of the concerns that come with installing third-party solutions like these. Without the right updates and licenses, your themes and plugins might not give you the proper protection.

Don’t create a plugin or theme collection, even if you can. The main focus is to expand your website’s functionality with features you actively need. In this case, deleting and entirely removing plugins or themes is a much better idea. It will allow you to focus on your website’s security without bringing in any kind of vulnerability that a hacker would be able to exploit.


Closeup of man on laptop working on website

Managing Comments

Although comments might not be a significant task for WordPress management, it still has its fair share of benefits. Emptying spam comments will help you avoid unnecessary comment storage. Using a tool like Akismet that delivers anti-spam services is excellent since you can stop unwanted, unnecessary, and spam comments from coming to your business website. While there, try to monitor the uptime to see if the hosting performance is good or not. You can also enable the email notifications to see if there’s any downtime for your site.


Blog and Image Tasks

It’s crucial to post content often if you want to rank high in search engine results. Plus, it also delivers a better customer experience since your users enjoy something new and fresh very often. Study your analytics and see which posts are gaining a lot of traction and engagement. This way, you can see what people like, what you can improve, and how you can adapt for a much better experience. Delete the empty or unused posts and always double-check the email newsletter signup to see if it all works as expected. While there, try to add featured images to posts.

Speaking of images, one of the best WordPress management tasks you can do is optimize pictures and include an ALT tag that features your keywords. Since images occupy a lot of space, you want to remove those you don’t need from the Media Library.


Page and User Tasks

Try to hold an audit for your pages and see which content is usable and what needs to be updated. You should also fill the Widget area if possible. Regarding the User tasks, you want to review the user roles and see how everything works. Having admins and editors set up Gravatar profiles can improve the user experience.


SEO Tasks

When it comes to SEO tasks, you can use an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO to optimize your website. Connect the Google Analytics service to your website and also submit a sitemap if possible. Integrate meta descriptions for your pages and make sure that you review the page load times too. Based on that, you get to receive some page speed suggestions. You also want to audit your website and see if it’s mobile responsive. If it’s not bringing a great mobile experience, go for a responsive website design and dedicated theme.



Every simple WordPress management task has its role, and it brings a lot of fantastic potential. It makes it easy for you to ensure your website runs at a high capacity and at the best possible level. Yes, WordPress management is not always easy. Still, these tips and ideas will help ensure that your website is working correctly. That means more traffic, more customers and increased sales! 

Since it’s hard to do all these things yourself, it’s a much better idea to hire a team of experts for that. Salt Manage can give you all the benefits and expertise you need at the highest possible level!